sometimes i need to complement those people who are working in the customer service sector. for me, i would not want to work in this sector because it would be quite a pain for me. i feel that i am always on the customer's side. probably i am influenced by what my father do when he calls the customer service. let me give an example that occurred today. aiya if you are just lazy to read the following just head down to the last second paragraph for the conclusion...
he is going to call an air flight agency to request for some forms. then he approaches me with a smiley face and tells me "going to scold them again". apparently, it seems that he is having fun calling the agency. then he calls... (let the other person on the line be A)
dad: hi, my name is XXX, here to request some forms that was not given to me.
A: oh ok. what form is it?
dad: its this form XXX. previously i have received another form different from this. so i need this form XXX to give to the insurance company.
A: ok. hold on.
song proceeds... for 10 minutes... song still continues...
dad puts down the phone. there is slight tone of anger as he dials again.( another person picks up. let it be B, note that he is still calling the same company.)
dad: hi, my name is XXX, here to request some forms that was not given to me.
B: oh ok. give me some time.
dad: can no problem.
B: ok so what is it about?
dad: you see, i have been calling for 5 to 6 times. and every time i call, i have been talking about the same thing. every time i speak to the person, i get the point that you people would just say that you would send a message to my email. i have been waiting for quite long already. but i have still yet to receive the message. both parties in here are trying to solve the issue but so far as it is, the situation would just get delayed. it is really difficult for both of us to solve the issue...
the conversation goes on for about half an hour... no point really putting the whole conversation down. all in all as you can see customer service is like lottery. if you are lucky and you are the first person that the customer calls you, it is definitely easier to handle the case. that is typically speaking. however, if the case is not dealt with tactically and with speed, it just snowballs to the next personnel in the customer service sector. thereby, the next personnel receives it and gets the same customer but this time angered by the duration he has to wait. therefore the case gets harder to be tackled with. so the one down at the bottom who receives the call, inefficient in customer service, would just handle the case with difficulty and both parties gets into conflict. worst case scenario they confront each other at some place and things get complicated.
so typically of me, i would not like to get into complicated situations. therefore i would like to avoid customer service jobs as much as possible. but nonetheless, it is a good tool in the future as one venture out into the working sector. haiz as always the world is complicated.
5:33 PM
finally all the tiring and heart wrenching days are over. but nonetheless its just marks the genesis of everything else that is to come.
blink blink blink(a certain catch phrase used by someone)
6 months passed in unit. training yet to end. outfield yet to end. life has gotten more complicated and my view of people changed. cpt, crew drills, camo-ing all are "over". hopefully just as what they say, the training as of now would tone down a little more.
i really cant think of anything else for me to write now. when i feel like writing again i will try. ciaos~
10:34 AM
too fast too furious.
in just another 4 1/2 hrs i will be leaving sg le. leaving for aus. hopefully i dont meet with any trouble there. be there for very long... bout 3 weeks... dont have much to say really cos my mind is blank now.. i wish good luck to those who are continuing on with studies and those who are still on their army course.. good luck arh.
5:45 PM
its been a while since i touched this... very long while..
time flies...
just like any common phrase one would hear. but it does really fly. blink blink a few times and things are over... or maybe??? anyway my training will soon be over i suppose. i hope. all that pandemonium, chaos, upside down world would settle down some day..
its a happy event of national day that happened but yet so short. but those bitterness and toughness felt while i was busy felt super duper long... its just so ironic right??? happiness lasts momentarily while pain lasts forever.. anyway i cherished that happiness of 5 days holiday and it paid off with me reading away adventurous books.^^ too bad there were some that had to book in before national day for guard duty^^
soon things will be getting tough... but for the future ahead!!! hahahs!!!
* feels so much like the ending of a movie^^ *
PS. wherever you girls are, jiayous!! you maybe in uni, school, working or anywhere, etc. just jiayous and good luck^^
6:16 PM

just when you see all is dark, a glimpse of light ray pierces through the dark clouds providing shimmer of hope, hope for the storm to be over.
its been a while since i have blogged again.
its been a while since i entered army.
its been a while since i missed my friends and homeworks.
its been a while since i felt so sian again.
yes, initially when i entered army i was feeling sian due to certain complications. soon after i book out for my first time in bmt, i felt better, communications were also much better. thereafter, after bmt, i became more sian or rather...
i was wondering had people become more selfish or what. its as if they cant do simple things like waking themselves up on their own. and simply when they cannot wake themselves up just because they only have a tendency to wake up when the lights are on, they push the blame to another guy who wakes up earlier than them for not switching on the light. its as if they think that another guy is equivalent to a god. its as if he would know what you are thinking. like wth... i can understand that it is a courtesy for others to switch on the lights, i fully understand that. but what i fail to understand is that why are you pushing the blame to another guy just because you did not tell him that you only wake up when the light is switched on all from the start of the very day we are in the same bunk. for the whole day i just hear you rambling on and on about you saying what cb or knn at that guy. for crap.
if you seriously know how to complain on and on about a guy not being courteous, cant you be one on your own and try to wake yourselves up. or even at the very least try to tell others that you need the lights switched on, or others to wake you up. for god sake. it aint that i like that guy so i side with him, its the way i am. i cant stand others being unrightfully blamed just because its their fault for purely one excuse, a failure to be courteous to others to wake others up when we are going to be late. if you are late then you are late. dont take it out on others just because you cannot wake up.
why must people smoke their way through just because they do not want to use their own items for others. if you do not want to use your bag to keep other people books and related items, just say so. for gracious sake, dont give me that crap saying that you have things in your bag, so why dont we use your bag. i mean like taking things out got so troublesome that you cannot provide even an inch of help is it. and just when you want others help you carry, you expect others to be like a maid, going to you to give you the book. cant you walk. for goodness sake you got a pair of legs! what fish. oh maybe you understand that he cannot walk, you give troubles to others around him, asking them to pass the book to you...
seriously, i may apppear to be very nice on the surface but dont push it too far as to matters about being selfish. i cannot stand a whole lot of it. if it does not concern me, i dont mind. but you start coming to me and complaining, dont expect me to stand like an akimbo. and fyi, my face will not be as nice as it will appear to be. selfish people. it just helps to be a little more courteous.
on a lighter note, selfish, yes everyone has it. but it wont do if you are very selfish cos you will not be liked, thats all i can say.
11:07 AM
back home:D
somehow the abyss in my stomach became the bottomless bottomless pit. so much so for trying to gain weight. i guess i have to do it the other way, exercising and then eating more:D so enjoy eating food now:D i wanna participate in food galore. learn cooking, etc. :D
yeah. all guys are in army today. they had their first night in tekong while i am sitting down here typing out these words, word by word. awesome. i wonder how will they feel after knowing that i today book out:( Muahahas:D
out of that topic, i think i had i rough idea of the decision that i am going to make. meaning like going for NTU Biological Sciences rather than Faculty of Science. we'll see how things go first. besides there will still be time, or maybe time is running out. nonetheless, i do not want to make an uninformed choice of selecting my university route, as opposed to what i did for my secondary school and junior college.
many others are probably also working hard in their lives, so this is what i have to say:
have the Can Do It Spirit!
12:05 AM

hmm.. yesterday i was absolutely tired.. just came back from camp. but rather happy to be back at home. kinda received good news upon hearing that i got accepted. now that i got accepted i dont know which should i choose.
anyway, i came to blog wasnt to talk about that. but its more towards something like army. ok girls might kind of find it a little boring. but somehow, i felt to change my views upon bmt. how should i put it??? have you ever felt that your life was so packed with so many things that you cant even lift a breather during your lunch? even lunch was to be rushed through? and just when you have completed that phase have you realised you have led a fulfilling life?
bmt is a little something like that. it really rushes things through because there is so little weeks that you have in bmt, but there is so much to learn. thus, everyday is important, life no longer becomes a luxury. every single minute or second that you spent in life is essential. however rushing it might be, whether tough or easy going, it really brings back fond memories, the camaraderie you have with your fellow brothers.
take bmt on a brighter side, try to enjoy it despite the hard times you might have gone through, my fellow friends who are going into ns:D
every second counts, so make it count.
11:11 AM